The 4’s Have It

You probably heard the expression, "Bad news comes in threes." We don't like to be negative, so since this is Day 4, let's talk about some of the Great Things that come in Fours! 4 leaf clover A car has 4 wheels (So does and ATV) A chair has 4 legs Rectangle has 4 sides... Continue Reading →

Life’s Student

For our assignment today we were to go through our dashboard to see if there are any unfinished posts. If so, then find one, finish it, then publish it. Well, here is a poem from September 13, 2010. It was already finished, just needed to be read by someone other than myself. Enjoy. I AM...... I am a... Continue Reading →

T.V.’s False Realities

Today's Daily Prompt is asking if there is something that I tried to quit and did I go cold turkey or was it gradual and did it stick. Well, there is something that I have gradually stepped away from. One was indulging in 'reality tv" and the other is that have stopped upgrading my cellphone... Continue Reading →


In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Brainwave." What’s the best idea you’ve ever had? Regale us with every detail of the idea — the idea itself, where it came to you, and the problem it solved. The best idea I had was enrolling back into school to complete my college degree. I felt... Continue Reading →

Hooked ‘Em With A Quote

In Writing 101 we were asked to, use a quote or passage from something you’ve read to introduce your post. You can write about anything for today’s post — the only requirement is that you begin with a blockquote, which you can create in your post editor by clicking the quotation mark icon. Here is... Continue Reading →

Hook ‘Em With A Quote

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't. ~~Marilyn Monroe~~ So true. Don't you just love the way she made life seem so... Continue Reading →

What Makes Your House a Home?

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Home Turf."   Name five things in your house that make it a home. Thanks for the lovely prompt suggestion, thekyleinator! Five things in my house that make it a home? God Love Respect Food Family Those are my 1st 5. Everything else is optional. ☆☆Thanks For Reading &... Continue Reading →

Gotta Go! Bye

The last thing I contemplated leaving was the world of hip-hop. I grew up with NWA and the movement. Now, I see what that movement has produced and it saddens me to see it abused in such a way, that it almost disrespected the veterans who made all of this possible. There are so many... Continue Reading →

Couched Love

This is a scenario being played out in my head before I decide to answer a very simple question. Since my daughter always says that I over think things. She may have a point. Is it intended for love or admiration You withstand daily torture, for the pleasure of others. Or are you enjoying the... Continue Reading →

Failure Is A Choice!

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Must Not Fail." What is the one thing at which you are the most afraid of failing? Thanks for suggesting this prompt, Claudia H. Blanton! Failure? What is that? Some fictional character of sorts. Failure is not an option, therefore I must continue until I win. Failure is... Continue Reading →

December – Exit This A-way

Dear December, We have been acquainted with each other for some time now. My whole life, to be exact. In the beginning, I could not wait until you arrived, because it meant a few things. School break and Christmas gifts with a lot of food to devour. Then after I grew into an adult and... Continue Reading →

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